The smartphone prototype “paper phone” does everything a smartphone does, like store books, play music or make phone calls.
The world’s first interactive paper computer or phone has been developed in canada, and it is set to revolutionise the world of interactive computing. Professor Roel Vertegaal, the director of Queen’s University Human Media Lab, created the PaperPhone, which is best described as a flexible iPhone as thin as paper.Y ou interact with it by bending it into a cell phone, flipping the corner to turn pages, or writing on it with a pen
Canadian researchers have invented a smart new paper-thin smartphone prototype that features a flexible, low-powered E-ink touchscreen display that can be rolled up to fit your pocket
The smartphone prototype does everything a smartphone does, like store books, play music or make phone calls. The invention is groun beaking and heralds a new generation of computers that are super lightweight, thin-film and flexible, and they use no power when nobody is interacting with them.
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